Friday, December 01, 2006

you are probably thinking jeez Gian lighten up

I can read your mind. I read you loud and clear. I realize I have tried my hand at trying to talk about things that really matter to me. At first thought I thought that might be political issues. What is more important than the power struggle that has been going on for like a googolplex of years? It is obvious when the question is put, "What really matters to you?", to answer something along the lines of family and friends, oh we can throw God in there too. I know He reads this. I've got Kolob coming up on my google analytics.
Honestly speaking Andrea really matters to me. She is my greatest cheerleader. I mean that literally. there is a lot of cheering going on at the Pierotti home. She is so cute! Just look at her holding my nephew.
In future I will let you know what is going on around me. In short less politics more human interest. put even shorter, less p more hi.


steve said...

I love Gian.

Anonymous said...

What a great picture. Andrea is so pretty.

Anonymous said...

actually, i'm thinking, geeze, gian, what, did you lose your computer?

Anonymous said...

yeah, andrea's a fox. gian, that's a pretty bold move, putting up a picture of your wife holding a baby. you're going to set her off, and then you'll be doing that rodney dangerfield collar-loosening move.