Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Just a quick one. More Soccer

School is just starting so the posts might be minimal. I haven't had a math class for 12 years. I need to focus. Anyway, I found this really cool map of england yesterday. It has all the UK football teams and there location. So if you where wondering where Reading is, well now you can find out. You can just go here http://footballclubs.dyndns.org/?co=england&league=1


Anonymous said...

FYI: Reading is pronounced r-e-d-d-i-n-g, not r-e-e-d-i-n-g. It's a sort of shibboleth to know whose from the UK or not.

Giandrea said...

thank you for the clairification. as you can see I have bigger fish to fry. No ofence ment. I was thinking of writing it redin.