This is in responce to an isolated mormon/liberal. i posted this here. As i was writing this I thought it would be a good statment about myself and mt view on polatics.
Frankly, I am surprised when Mormons are surprised to find politically like minded members of "the faith". Maybe I have been lucky, I experience members of the church that lean left in school, at work, and in my ward. Of course we don't agree exactly, but I think there are more of us out there than it might seem. I do admit we are an obvious minority. We, the liberal Mormon, find ourselves aligned politically with the “uncircumcised of heart”. Many members of the church conceder our politicking to be an act of rebellion.
Personally, the difference I see between liberal and conservative philosophy seems to be economic verses social issues. People that are passionate about feeding their family and controlling their money seem to fall on the conservative side. They seem to be practical and a bit pessimistic. The people that seem to be globally minded and interested in human rights fall on the liberal side. Liberals are idealistic and hopeful but they can be naive. One might read this and say “Wait a minute; I care about all of these things”. I would say “I should hope you care about those issues.” But it is all about priorities. What is most important? What can you live with? What will get you off your butt and stand up and say “these floors are dirty as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore”? Stanley Spudousky UHF
The trouble with the local Mormon is we are not challenged. We are not challenged about what we think. We are always asked how we feel about something. We are rarely asked what we think. Rarer still is the query "why". Why do we believe something? Members of the church use a word like feel. We do use the word know but it is based on a feeling. This is not wrong. Faith is important. But I think it is a mistake to approach politics the same way.
No form of government is The Truth. Unless Christ has come and we are now living the law of consecration. Our government was founded by enlightened men. Though the source of light is God the actual light is Science. I think we as Americans should use logic as we choose our political opinions. Our system is not perfect. Until it is we have to make our best guess. I am keeping in mind this guess could be backed up by the Holy Ghost. What I want to say is not so novel. We need to come to our decision with the tools God gave like our brain science and logic and then get a confirmation from God. I am not sure how this turned religious. But there you go.
Here is an example that illistrates the problems with Mormons and politics. Personally I think members of the church are not really pro life. I think most members of the church could find a scenario where abortion would be the right choice. I don't think they have really considered the issue. Like all issues it is not a simple yes or no answer. I will change my mind when someone will argue with some knowledge on the topic. But until then I will continue to think that someone that is pro choice is that way because they simply think abortion is bad.
I am still thinking about this idea. It is not set in stone. I am open to what everyone is thinking.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
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You're ideas about "priorities" seem to cut through the entire post.
I don't vote republican, I don't vote democrat. I think they are both right. I think they are both wrong. Sometimes, it depends on the issue. sometimes, they are both wrong on the same issue.
Global vs. Local priorities is an example of the former (the dems probably have global issues right, where the reps might have local issues right). So, I think on some issues, the dems are right, and on some issues, the reps are right. Thus, overall, both are sort of wrong.
Abortion is a good example of both being wrong on the same issue. The right has virtually no tolerance for abortion in any setting, under any circumstances. The left has virtually no tolerance for restrictions in any setting or under any circumstances. I think they are both wrong.
So, why do I have to align myself with either side? I don't have to be "pro life," and I don't have to be "pro choice." If neither truly represents my values and political beliefs accurately, I say choose to ignore them both.
another note regarding mormons and politics: The church's moral standards do not necessarily translate into proper political views. but that's too big to start on now.
I'm glad you are writing about this stuff.
thank you very much for responding. Jeramy, i respect your opinion and i think we argee on a lot. you bring up a great point about having to choose sides. i was stuck in eather or mode. I think your aproch to voting is a healthy one. your approch forces you to know exactly where a candidate stands on specific issues. you are an informed voter. i think this was my main point. a local Mormon seems to vote on party lines. it starts to get complicated when the guy you want dosen't get the party vote. what usually happens is you get two choices that you don't want. i would love to talk to you more about this.
I agree with this person that just wrote and was actually heartened to read that someone else isn't registered in either party. Hi, Gian, by the way. I don't think you have to be an independent and vote for someone running from the save the manatee party to prove a point, either. The fact is that the two parties that are always going to dominate are the R. and the D's until Jesus comes to be the king... I don't think the Lord ever asked us to be either republican or democrat, he asked us to be like him and he wasn't always popular or politically correct but he did always do what he thought was right based on the truth that he knew and compassion. He didn't act like prostitutes (who probably had abortions back then) were dirty terrible people, he loved them and tried to heal could mormons compartmentalize things so much if they're supposed to be like Him? Knowing the individual candidates' opinions and histories is just so important. No thing on earth that is created by a man is ever going to have a fullness of truth...we know that so why would politics be any different. We live in the world and have to do some things by its rules like politics to some degree but I have found that my voting card is usually all over the map based on what I have learned and what I feel is important for myself and my family. I don't have any idea why someone would click 'republican' at the top of the page and walk if all republicans are good, god fearing mormon stake presidents...please...having a voice in politics means, for me, actually asking the Lord to help me discern the issues and even the character of the candidates...that way your voice is heard by the only one that really matters anyway and you can stand behind your choice with conviction.
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